Aolin Ding bio photo

Cybersecurity Researcher

Arlington, VA



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About Me

Here is Aolin Ding. I am a Research Associate Principal in Accenture Labs. I obtained my Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Rutgers University in 2022 under the guidance of Prof. Saman Zonouz – who is now at Georgia Tech. During my Ph.D., I had two research internships at Accenture and MERL. Prior to that, I had a multicultural undergraduate study, spending my four-year bachelor life across three universities: UESTC, I-Shou, and Rutgers. I received my B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from UESTC in 2015.

Research Interests

My research focuses on the security of cyber-physical systems, industrial IoT, and embedded systems. In these domains, I leverage a combination of software analysis, physics-based monitoring, and machine learning approaches to develop innovative security solutions. At Accenture, my interest extends to applied AI for cybersecurity, particularly in addressing security challenges through emerging techniques, including large language models (LLMs), privacy-preserving machine learning, and virtual reality.

I am always enthusiastic about contributing to the security research community. I have a solid record of publications and professional services at leading security conferences. Click here for my complete CV.

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      $ echo YS5kaW5nQGFjY2VudHVyZS5jb20= | base64 --decode
  • Looking for research collaborations in LLM Security
    Please contact me if you are interested in addressing the privacy challenges of LLMs or developing innovative applications of LLMs to cybersecurity tasks.